Opinion: Thanksgiving Help for Those in Need

Roll up those sleeves and help.

This week is the week to jump in to help the many organizations that will help needy families through the holidays. Here are a few ideas of how to help, but the opportunities are limitless.

More than 236,000 people living in the area do not have access to enough food to sustain an active, healthy life for all members of their households, according to Catholic Charities. That is to say, more than a quarter of a million people, including many children, go hungry on a regular basis.

Catholic Charities is launching a new food distribution project, the St. Lucy Project, designed to respond to food insecurity in the diocese. “The reality in Northern Virginia is that thousands of our neighbors suffer from gripping poverty and hunger,” said Bishop Paul S. Loverde of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. “Pope Francis has consistently called us to be a ‘church of the poor and for the poor.’” The project will provide food in Alexandria and other parts of Northern Virginia. See www.ccda.net for more.

United Community Ministries is seeking donations to its food pantry, donations to help prevent homelessness for 300 families on the brink, plus children’s books and toys. http://www.ucmagency.org/how-to-help.html

Northern Virginia Family Services needs help with Operation Turkey, for 800 families. Food, money and volunteers needed. http://www.nvfs.org/

For a list of nonprofits serving the City of Alexandria see links at http://alexandriava.gov/index_quicklinks.aspx?id=7640