Alexandria Newcomers & Community Guide 2023-24

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

— First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

Newcomers & Community Guide 2023-24

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* Digital editions of the week's papers are available at

* Past issues of the Connection back to 2008 are available at

* Advertising information, Special Section details here Email or call 703-778-9431.

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* Events to list in the calendar, email to or online 

About Connection Newspapers in 2023

IN THE MIDST of the crisis which never ends, we at the Gazette still hear the call to serve our communities, with a bit of wonder that we are able to continue. We still seek to fulfill our mission by continuing to publish, even with reduced resources. It’s still our mission to provide information about where to get help and how to help; to tell the stories of those who are helping, of those who are hungry. It’s still our mission to tell the stories of those working for social and racial justice, and battling income inequality.

It is our mission, set out in the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, to press local government every day for transparency, although this continues to become more difficult. Your local paper can be your window into the workings of schools, police, transportation, zoning, stormwater management, services, and a nearly infinite number of other functions. These are the things that impact our lives at home and work. 

The public has a right to expect transparency from such local institutions. The founders clearly anticipated the ongoing need for the press to help in this role.

It is still our mission to deliver the local news you need, to help make sense of what is happening in your community, to advocate for community good, to provide a forum for dialogue on local concerns, and to record achievements, milestones and events in the community and people’s lives. It is still our mission to cover the normal news of the local communities. 

We publish photos and notes about personal milestones and community events, including births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, awards and obituaries. 

We also publish items about news and events from local businesses. Notes about openings, anniversaries and other business events and milestones are welcome. 

If you are planning an event open to the public that you would like to have listed in our calendars, we appreciate getting notice at least two weeks ahead of the event, and we encourage photos.

Your community Connection newspaper is published by the independent, locally owned Local Media Connection LLC. Our flagship paper, the Alexandria Gazette Packet, is one of, perhaps the oldest continuously publishing papers in the United States, beginning in 1784.

We are blessed with remarkable, award-winning staff, contributing writers and photographers who are dedicated to our mission. Most have been writing for the Gazette and Connection for years, some for more than a decade (or two, or three). Each brings areas of interest and expertise. Check the bylines. Don’t miss Bonnie Hobbs, Mercia Hobson, Jeanne Theismann, Janet Barnett, Michael Pope, Mike Salmon, Susan Laume, Glenda Booth, Eden Brown, Shirley Ruhe, Hope Nelson, Marilyn Campbell and others. (Our late editor Kemal Kurspahic used to refer to pay for writers as “symbolic.”)

Local newspapers, including the Connection Newspapers, are facing an existential threat from the combination of nationwide downturn in newspaper advertising that has been worsening over several years, compounded by the economic crisis. 

Revenue has not nearly rebounded to pre-pandemic levels, and we are going to need more help to keep going. We will renew calls for contributions and subscriptions. If you value local news and you have a budget for advertising and promotion, please endeavor to spend some of it with local newspapers including ours.

— Mary Kimm