Come Gleaning with Plot Against Hunger in 2024

In 2023, volunteers gleaned over 45,322 pounds of produce for Arlington area food programs.

Each Tuesday through October, head out to local farms to pick produce and deliver it back to Arlington area feeding programs. Mornings usually begin by 8 a.m. at a designated farm, which can change based on the crop. Each location will be within an hour of Arlington. We have a limited number of volunteer spaces available on each trip. These mornings are always a fun way to connect with the land and do good. We can also help arrange a limited number of carpools.

To join, sign in to the volunteer system and click on “schedule.”

Why glean? This ancient practice has many modern benefits. Back in the day, farmers would leave the corners of their fields unpicked so that others could take food if they needed. Today, if commercial farmers aren’t able to pick all of the produce on their fields due to weather, harvest or labor schedules, or other environmental concerns, volunteers step in. Unpicked produce represents wasted time, money, and labor, and has the potential to attract pests or even spread disease. Instead of having a field go to waste, gleaners are invited to pick healthy produce for donation. Everyone wins with this arrangement; neighbors in need receive delicious fresh locally grown produce, volunteers have a fun and meaningful day, and farmers have their fields cleaned and make a great contribution to the community.

If you have additional questions, please email