And All That Jazz

City hosts 46th annual Jazz Festival.

The Alexandria Jazz Festival celebrated 46 years June 21 at Waterfront Park as evening temperatures cooled enough for the show to go on while the remainder of the Portside in Old Town weekend of events were canceled due to extreme heat.

“There is nothing better to me than live music, being outside and being by the water,” said Stephanie Vanputten, who attended the festival with her family. “Tonight is the trifecta for me. There is actually a nice breeze so I am just enjoying the jazz and the people.”

Janet Barnett was coordinator for special events for the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities and a founder of the festival that was originally held in Market Square on Memorial Day.

“I can’t believe that 46 years have passed,” said Barnett, who retired as Deputy of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities. “The Jazz Festival was created by the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities and is still as popular an event now as it was then. We had help from several city departments, including the police department.”

Vendors were on hand to provide refreshments while many attendees brought their own picnics to enjoy under the stars. Some were especially prepared for the extreme heat.

“I have my own portable fan,” said Kolethia Clements, who was enjoying the evening with Shannon Strange. “It provides a misting of water as well so it keeps me cool.”

Added Strange with a laugh, “My lady is so smart.”

Soaring temperatures didn’t hinder the fun for friends at the Alexandria Jazz Festival June 21 at Waterfront Park.