Mary Kimm is an award-winning journalist, opinion writer and editor inspiring excellence and change in media for more than 20 years. As publisher of the newspaper group, she has led operations as well as news and editorial, recently leading Connection Newspapers to the Virginia Press Association Award for Journalistic Integrity and Community Service.
Mary Kimm is editor of the Connection Newspapers, serving the suburbs of Washington, D.C., including the City of Alexandria and the City of Fairfax, Fairfax County and Arlington County in Virginia, as well as parts of Montgomery County, Md. The papers have won hundreds of press awards for investigative reporting, public service, editorial writing, news, election coverage, projects, features, sports, design, photography and more during Kimm’s tenure, all in an ever tightening economic environment. Kimm has worked at the newspaper chain in a variety of roles since 1989.
Winner of multiple awards in editorial writing and public service in the Virginia Press Association and the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association, Kimm’s editorials have been cited in local efforts to end homelessness and increase government transparency.
Mary Kimm serves on the Governing Board of the Fairfax-Falls Church Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness, and on the Board of Directors of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington Fairfax Region.
She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Media in Democracy Institute and numerous community organizations, including the Potomac Chamber of Commerce.
Kimm holds degrees in Economics and Political Science from Swarthmore College. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1955, she is the mother of two PhD scientists. She has also worked in banking, real estate and education. Interests include kayaking, the Potomac River, birding, photography and horseback riding.
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